Sunday, November 4, 2007

Should we hit our children??? Journal #23

In Vietnam and most of other Asian countries, hitting children is not an illegal action at home or at schools. Some people from other cultures such as American, European think that it is very cruel to hit children. They think that only parents who never love children hit their own ones. In our culture, it is not always right. Some parents love their children even more than themselves, but still punish them whenever they do something wrong. I know a story about a young man and his old mother. He was already an adult and still lived with his mom as our culture. He did something really bad and his mother used a big long stick to hit him with all of her strength. This man cried not just about what he did but about his mom. He felt that she could not hit him as hard as she could before. He realized that she was getting old and became weaker day by day because of pressure of life to raise him up. He promised to himself that he would never do bad things and would become the best person so that his mom could be proud of her son. At my point of view, hitting children is not the best way to teach them. However, it is not true that parents who hit their own children never love them. I got hit sometimes by my father when I was a kid trying to climb to the roof. Until now, I still remember that whipping. I saw tears in his eyes, tears of love and worriment.

1 comment:

leinster said...

Many parents feel the same way. It all depends I guess on the reason for hitting. Some people here do hit their kids to the extent of abuse.