Thursday, February 14, 2008

What is Love?

What is love? I think this is not an easy question. It also depends on what kind of love such as it can be the love between parents and children, or the love between brothers or sisters. Love is meaningful for everyone. For me, when I talk about love, usually I think it demands to the love between boys and girls. I don’t know. So what can be called love? I think when we love someone, we will do everything for them, we sacrifice ourselves to protect and make them happy. We just want to take care of them, and hope every good thing will come with them. So, my lover can be a normal person who can understand what I think and share with me problems she met, so we can solve them together. And one more thing, she should not lie to me even though it’s simple thing. It’s really important to me.


Azimi Advanced Composition said...

Andy, you are so right; I agree with most of the things you said. "Love is a many splendid thing," is a famous quote in the US. Love can be splendid between siblings, friends, parents & children, or boy/girlfriends. It is nice to see that you also think we should sacrifice ourselves to care for the ones we love. I believe that many people don't feel that strongly; at least, they don't act like they believe in sacrificing. Lying makes a terrible tear in the trust between 2 people. Just my opinion!
Mrs. Azimi

Miranda said...

Andy, I think I should thank for your opinion about love. I am agree that love is not only between boys and girls but also about children and parents,or friends. I think I still not so sure what is love.
I still learning how to love and how to be loved. I can consider what your feeling about love, and I am looking for love. Now I can know more about love from your blog.